Park and Broomfield Surgery Annual Infection Control Statement 2024

The practice has an infection control lead who is Dr Eletu

The infection control lead nurses are Sheona Boyle Caroline Kemp and Emily Lock

An annual audit is undertaken with a representative from Infection Prevention solutions which is an external Infection Control Company who advise of any changes which need to be made to meet the requirements of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice and related guidance

Risk assessments are carried out annually in relation to infection control and prevention

Every member of staff undergoes annual Infection Control Training including Hand Hygiene

Regular audits are carried out annually for waste and sharps bins use and their safe disposal 

There are cleaning policies in place for our regular cleaners from Guardian Healthcare and regular inspection spot checks are performed

The practice also carries out water safety checks to prevent Legionella and ensure the water supply does not pose a risk to staff or patients

All staff are screened to make sure they are up to date on their immunisations and that regular boosters are received

In line with NHS Cleaning Specifications disposable curtains are changed every 6 months in treatment rooms and 12 months in doctors rooms unless they are visibly soiled

There is an Infection Control Policy which is in date and updated annually and amended as needed according to guidance and legislation changes

All staff have online access to this so they can be aware of their roles and responsibilities.